Social network Facebook blocked "Ukrtransgaz" page Public joint-stock company "Ukrtransgaz"

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The social network of Social network Facebook blocked the page of the operator of the Ukrainian underground gas storages "Public joint-stock company "Ukrtransgaz". company reports "Naftogaz of Ukraine" about it . "Shock and indignation! Social network Facebook without the obvious reasons banned "Ukrtransgaz" page Public joint-stock company "Ukrtransgaz" … Company, the managing director of the largest underground gas storages in Europe, lost the voice on a social network" — is spoken in the message of companies. According to the version "National joint-stock company "Naftogaz Ukraine"", the Ukrtranskaza page, probably, blocked because of messages "about helps the military". In companies assumed that against its representations on Internet "the aggressive army of boats" works...