The inhabitant of India constructed the copy of Taj Mahal and presented to the wife: in the house four bedrooms, kitchen, library and the room for meditation
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Prakash Anand Chuksi, the teacher from the historical city of Burkhanpura in State of Madhya Pradesh, built the house reminding Taj Mahal, a love symbol in Agra. This house with four bedrooms, same as Taj Mahal, Prakash Anand presented to the wife Mandzhusha Chuksi. The memento to the wife They say that Taj Mahal had to be constructed on the river bank of Tapti passing through Burhanpur, but for many reasons this Taj Mahal was built in Agra instead of today's Burkhanpur. Prakash Anand Chuksi too worried that it has no Taj Mahal in Burkhanpure but when there was an opportunity, he decided to make to the wife...