On November 25 and 26 in NGLU will pass the international methodical bridge "Japanese and culture as object of mastering and teaching"

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MEZHDUNARODNY METODICHESKY Bridge PROGRAM "JAPANESE AND CULTURE AS OBJECT of MASTERING AND TEACHING" on NOVEMBER 25, 2021 the International methodical bridge "Japanese and culture" to be connected to the ZOOM conference: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88027434273?pwd=bUd4MkZhZmthY0xpdW9CeFhlVEFqQT09 conference Identifier: 880 2743 4273 Koddostupa: 010640 Moderator: Kostrova Maria , Candidate of Philology, the associate professor, the director of the cultural and educational center of Japanese NGLU (Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation)...