Irek Rizaev and Andreev Konstantin – prize-winners of the house championship Europe on VMH-freestyle in discipline "park"

@Ves' Sport
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Today, on November 14, in Moscow the championship Europe on VMH cycling in discipline "park" came to the end. Frenchman Antoine Jeanjean and the Swiss Nikita Dyukarroz won. Silver took the Russian Irek Rizaev and German Lara Lessman Maria, bronze – the Russian Andreev Konstantin and the Spaniard Fernandes Teresa - Miranda. Let's remind that in the first championship Europe in 2019 in the Swiss Kadenazzo the first Russian medallist in this new Olympic discipline became Elizabeth Posadskikh who in Moscow became the best of Russians, having taken the sixth place. Medals Irek Rizaev and Andreev Konstantin steel second and third...