The staff of OMON rushed into studio. Against authors of the satirical Youtube-channel opened criminal case (VIDEO)

@Sovershenno sekretno
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On authors of rollers about the character thought up by them "the chairman of executive committee Ussuriysk district Nalivkin Vitaly" criminal case under article 213 part 3 (Heavy hooligan actions) is opened. "On us opened criminal case. To us impute heavy hooligan actions during shooting of our last video topic. There on a plot Nalivkin Vitaly takes down a banner and neutralizes dangerous object at a stop with help fireworkers" — one of authors Klochkov Andrey commented. Video which we publish below was the cause. This roller was removed on September 19. By words Klochkov Andrey, for these purposes...
Larissa Nechaeva
Last position: Deputy chief accountant (LLC KB "Alba Allianz")
Nalivkin Vitaly
Klochkov Andrey
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