In Poland the pregnant woman died after refusal of doctors to make abortion because of fruit pathology. It consider as the first victim of the new legislation

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In October of last year the Constitutional court the countries forbade women to interrupt pregnancy at detection of congenital defects at a fruit. In hospital the Polish Pszczyna the 30-year-old woman, which pregnancy doctors died did not begin to interrupt because of the restrictions entered in the country on commission of abortions. About it reports information agency "Associated Press". The woman arrived in hospital on the 22nd week of pregnancy because of an otkhozhdeniye of amniotic waters. Doctors confirmed pregnancy pathology. After death of a fruit at the woman septic shock because of which she died less than in a day began. Incident happened in...
Susky Marek
"Law and Justice"
Political ideology:National conservatism, social conservatism, panjevropeizm, economic nationalism.