Opinion: "We do not deny problems, but really to put the doctor for a medical error – I consider, it is an excess measure – generally always there were conditional terms"

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The deputy Ulan-Ude Gorodskoye Council of deputies, the chairman Republican public organizations "Medical chamber Republic of Buryatia", the honored doctor of Republic of Buryatia Alexander Irincheev makes comments on the days off from October 30th to November 7th in connection with Koronavirus, the recommendation to drivers public transports Ulan-Ude not to begin movement while all passengers will not put on a mask, permission to put at the same time flu inoculations and from Koronavirus, the offer to treat antiprivivochnik for a fee if they picked up Koronavirus, a situation on the city district No. 8, five and a half years of a colony...