Anastasia Mishin and Alexander Romanovich Gallyamov won the third stage of the Cup Russian Federation to Sochi

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Anastasia Mishin and Alexander Romanovich Gallyamov won a victory in competitions of sports couples at the third stage of the Cup Russian Federation to Sochi. In free skating Anastasia Mishin and Alexander Romanovich Gallyamov earned 153,07 points, the general result on the sum of two prokatov made 231,96 points. The second at a steel Khabibullina Natalia and Ilya Knyazhuk, at them is 204,83 points. Closed the three the strongest Artemyeva Julia and Nazarychev Mikhail (187,76 points). Cup Russian Federation. 3rd stage. Sochi. Sports couple 1. Anastasia Mishin / Alexander Romanovich Gallyamov – 231,96 points 2. Khabibullina Natalia / Ilya Knyazhuk – 204,83 3. Artemyeva Julia / Nazarychev Mikhail – 187,76...