JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ALFA-BANK" supported talents and organized exhibition

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On October 15 in the state museum A.Kasteev's name there was the real boom. JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ALFA-BANK" Kazakhstan and Etage art studio opened exhibition the modern art and design "Feeling of a rhythm". Stars, bloggers, journalists and simply judges beautiful and esthetic gathered on action. According to organizers, the exhibition name describes the main direction their activity. After all the Alpha positions itself as bank for progressive and vigorous people who are in love with the business and life, are able to derive pleasure from the events. Let's remind that in July bank declared collaboration with known...
Sapralieva Aygul
Batyrbekov Chingiz
Levitskaya Julia
Mun Maria
JSC Alfa-Bank
Main activity:Finance