A dynasty Manizerov in New Tretyakov gallery

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On October 18 Federal state budget cultural institution "All-Russian museum association "Gosudarstvennaya Tretyakovskaya gallery" presented an expanded exposition of works of sculptors Manizer Matvey and Yanson Helena - Manizer Matvey , dated for their double anniversary – the 130 anniversary since birth Within action the presentation of the book of Nina Pulyakhinoy-Manizer Matvey "Manizer Matvey took place. Dynasty of artists". Guests Federal state budget cultural institution "All-Russian museum association "Gosudarstvennaya Tretyakovskaya gallery" welcomed director general Tregulov Zelfir, the ambassador of the Federal Republic Germany to Russian Federation Geza Andreas fon Gayr and the first deputy chairman of the International union of the German culture Martens Olga...