The ex-head VEB.RUSSIAN FEDERATION Chernukhin Vladimir asked again court to appoint to Oleg Deripaska prison term

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The former head VEB.RUSSIAN FEDERATION Chernukhin Vladimir asked court London to send to prison of the businessman Oleg Deripaska, reports a portal of judicial information of Law360. Protection Chernukhin Vladimir appealed to Appeal court London on October 19. At hearings the lawyer accused Oleg Deripaska of disrespect for court and declared that the Russian businessman illegally brought out of jurisdiction of English of vessels stocks En + Group Ltd after it obliged to pay Chernukhin Vladimir multimillion compensation on dispute on possession of "the Three-mountain manufactory". These assets for the sum of $236 million had to serve as providing payments within...
Oleg Deripaska
Main activity:Businessman
Chernukhin Vladimir
Mikhail Kasyanov
Danilina Lolita
SC Vnesheconombank
Main activity:Finance
En + Group Ltd
Main activity:Metallurgy and metal processing
Navio Holdings Ltd