Brotherly and Kalachinsky theaters dolls exchanged tours

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The brotherly theater "Tirlyama's" dolls exchanged tours with Kalachinsky theater dolls "Fairy tale" within the All-Russian program "Big Tours for Children and Youth". Theatre "Tirlyama's" dolls participates in the Big Tours program the fourth time. Since 2017 residents of Bryansk appeared on stages Zheleznogorsk (Krasnoyarsk Territory), Novosibirsk and Neryungri. This year of "Tirlyama" visited Kalachinsk (Omsk Region), having shown the performances "By Magic", "Geese swans" and "Hare, Fox and Rooster". Theatre dolls "Fairy tale" brought to Bratsk the performances "Small Miracle", "Gold Chicken" and "Winter Quarters of Animals", reports...