Koroleva Rania met the special envoy Specialized establishment United Nations concerning education, sciences and cultures sheykhy Moza and the first lady Qatar sheykhy Dzhavakher

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The meeting took place within visit of the king and the queen Jordan to Qatar. This week the 59-year-old king Jordan Abdalla and the first lady of the country, the 51-year-old queen Koroleva Rania visited the friendly Qatar. There they met the Qatar emir, the sheikh Tamim a bin al Tatyana Khamad, and later – the public figure and the second of three wives of the previous sheikh Qatar Moza. The emir accepted a monarchical couple in the main residence – Amiri Divan (Palace of the Emir) in Doha. After two monarchs saw at supper in one of restaurants in the prestigious district of the Qatar capital of Msheyrebe. As a whole, visit of the king and...