To Kursk Region the mayor Oboyan Alexander Aleksandrovich Loktionov twice in a month got sick with Koronavirus

@MK.RU Chernozem'e
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On taken place today, on October 14, meeting of operational headquarters Kursk Region participants of a planning meeting discussed in some way a medical phenomenon: the mayor Oboyan Alexander Aleksandrovich Loktionov the second time in a month fell ill with Koronavirus. It is reported that this time the disease at the official proceeds in a heavy form. Now it is in reanimation of hospitals Semashko's name. The governor Kursk Region Roman Starovoyt made separate emphasis on that, Alexander Aleksandrovich Loktionov was not imparted from Koronavirus. The head of the region gave an assignment to make the reference on each official in the Nightingale region on inoculation existence from kovida. "From itself...