Combined France Ernandes Lucas sent the member to prison for approach to the wife

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Lawyers of the well-known football player submitted the appeal on this high-profile case, it will consider on October 19. Ernandes Lucas (on the right). Photos © / Novoderezhkin Anton the Football player combined France and the Munich "Bavaria" Ernandes Lucas sentenced information agency "ITAR-TASS" is told in the press release of the Highest vessels. In 2017 it beat the beloved. For it court sentenced the football player to 31 days of public works and forbade to come nearer to the girl closer than on 500 meters. But already later time of steam tried and even...
Steven Gerrard
Main activity:Official
Glen Kamara
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer (Football club "Reyndzhers")
Ondrzhey Kudela
Last position: The professional athlete on soccer
Ernandes Lucas
Novoderezhkin Anton