In Volgograd the Komsomol garden will arrange well almost for 70 million rubles

@Bloknot Volgograda
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The contractor on performance of work on improvement in the Komsomol garden in Volgograd is looked for by MUNICIPAL INDEPENDENT INSTITUTION "TSSIK". As "the Notebook of Volgograd" knew on October 7 from documentation on a portal of Government purchases, reconstruction will manage almost in 69 million rubles. In improvement plans - gardening, lighting and installation of small architectural forms. In the Komsomol garden the contractor should put 23 names of trees and bushes. Among them - three-meter maples, lindens and a hawthorn. The green zone will be added by a lilac, a barberry, a quince and other plants. In park on Komsomol will establish the new...