Court began procedure of restructuring of debts of the ex-deputy head Ministry for agriculture Eugenie Gromyko

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Arbitration court of Krasnodar Territory during consideration of the case about bankruptcy Eugenie Gromyko entered procedure of restructuring of debts concerning the debtor, reports a site of vessels. The register included requirements JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSIYSKY SELSKOKHOZYAYSTVENNY BANK" to the debtor for the sum of 575 million rubles Eugenie Gromyko earlier held positions of the member Council of Federation of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation from Krasnodar Territory, and also the First Deputy Minister of Agriculture Russian Federation. Court established that mister Eugenie Gromyko acted as the guarantor according to obligations to belonging his family of companies "New agrarian technologies (NAT)" (production pork). LLC HAT is declared bankrupt...