LLC "YANDEKS" presented a clever column with the screen and a sound on 10 W

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Soderzhaniye2021 the Announcement of a clever column of a clever column "Station Pass" with the display and a sound on 10 W Growth of sales clever columns to 1,3 million pieces for 3 years 2019 Announcement "Yandeks.Stantsiya pass" with function of recognition of gestures To Belarus and Kazakhstan Start of sales in all shops of a network "Coherent - Group of companies "Yevroset"" 2018 Integration the voice assistant with KMS Lighthouse the Announcement Watch also Voice assistants (bormotograf) of the Note Yandeks.Stantsiya — a house multimedia platform with the voice assistant Alice onboard. 2021 Announcement of a clever column of a clever column "Station Pass" with the display and a sound on 10 W on October 5...