Residents of Nizhny Novgorod won three medals at the All-Russian rowing competitions on kayaks and a canoe

@Vremja N
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The Nizhny Novgorod athletes won three medals in the championship Russian Federation and the All-Russian rowing competitions on kayaks and a canoe, reports Regional ministry sports. Competitions were held in Krasnodar from September 26 to October 1. More than 400 athletes took part in them from 30 regions of the country. The program included arrivals on different distances, and also relays 4×200 meters. Nizhny Novgorod Region was represented by three athletes, and each of them managed to win on a medal. So, Kharchenko Darya won first place in discipline of "canoe" in single arrival at a distance of 200 meters. And...
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Surovtsev
Kharchenko Darya
Malykh Maxime
Regional ministry sports
Government Agency