In the Kremlin palace Andris Liepa will present the evening devoted Galina Ulanova

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Action will collect on one scene of the brightest stars of the Russian ballet of information agency "ITAR-TASS", on October 4. " Galina Ulanova. The far close star" (6%2B) - the next concert of the Autographs and Images project - will collect on October 11 on one scene of the brightest stars of the Russian ballet. Russian Federation Nina Kaptsova (Big theater), Olga Smirnov (Big theater), the honored actress Russian Federation Kardash Oksana (State budget cultural institution Moscow "MAMT"), the honored actress Russian Federation Borchenko Catherina (Saint Petersburg State budget cultural institution "Mikhaylovsky theater"), the honored actress Russian Federation Borchenko Catherina Osmolkina the honored actress...