The head of regional office "Party of Growth" in Republic of Adygea noted the good organization of vote

@Sovetskaja Adygeja
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Elections in Republic of Adygea are organized at high level and pass is transparent, UPOLNOMOCHENNY PO ZASHCHITE PRAV PREDPRINIMATELEY V RESPUBLIKE ADYGEYA, the chairman of regional office "Party of Growth" Wladyslaw Guchevich Zafesov noted.- In Republic of Adygea the Center of public video surveillance where about 20 video monitors on which it is possible to trace order observance at vote on all 266 sites are established is created. About 600 observers on sites are appointed. As for our party, at us work at elections of 56 observers. They are painted on UIKAM. During vote from them yet there were no signals of violations or...