Physicians from the Oncology and Traumatology centers together performed difficult operation

@Gorod Kirov
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The Kirov doctors found a rare neurogenetic tumor in the inhabitant of area. The patient arrived in the Kirov center of oncology and medical radiology with slozhnoverifitsiruyemy education in the field of a small basin. The woman told: – The oncologist looked at me and appointed additional inspections. By results of ultrasonography I was told that it is difficult to define the new growth belongs to what body, and appointed MRT after which consultation experts of a different profile was held and operation is appointed. Very much it was pleasant to me that in the oncology Center doctors work well-coordinated and quickly...
Dmitry Aleksandrovich Kurdyumov
Last position: First Deputy Chairman (Government of the Kirov region)
Chastoedov Petr
Chagina Xenia
Popov Alexander
Bakin Sergei