Ordinary miracle

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From Lorca to Vonnegut Kurt The day before in theater passed collecting troupe. By tradition after the first joyful postholiday embraces and greetings the management theaters acquainted actors with plans for a new creative season. For plans remarkable, large-scale — it is a pity only that because of antikovidny restrictions while it is authorized to fill halls only half. So will be and on September 18-19 when to residents of Norilsk will show "A bloody wedding" according to the well-known play of the Spaniard Garsia Federico Lorca directed by the director from Sakha (Yakutia) Republic Potapov Sergei. The master on these displays will not be able to be present, but he quite often calls in theater...
 Anna Babanova
Last position: Chief director ("Norilsk city Zapolyarny city drama theater")
Nicholas Kaverin
Last position: Head of the district (Administration of the Tretiyakovo district of the Altai Territory)
Nicholas Pavlovich Kachura
Last position: Stage and film actor
Irina Kutsaya
Last position: Director ("Norilsk city Zapolyarny city drama theater")
Alexander Leonidovich Glushkov
Last position: Deputy, vice-chairman of committee on questions of town-planning activity, housing and communal services and fuel and energy complex (Legislative Assembly of the Nizhny Novgorod region)
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Zaksobraniye kraya
Government Agency