construction the first prototype of the Russian-Chinese CR929 airliner] bega

@Zhukovskie VESTI
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The long-haul CR929 airliner is positioned as the competitor to passenger planes: American the Boeing-777 and to the European A330.CR929 is in a role of the catching up: the world market was entered by models of airliners of new generation – the Boeing-787 and A350 planes From China the message came on September 1: Commercial Aircraft COR of China, Ltd finished a preparatory work and started construction the first prototype of the widebody passenger CR929 plane. In 2018 of COMAC made the first tselnokompozitny section of a fuselage of CR929 15 meters long and with a diameter of 6 meters. It...
Litvinov Maxime
Main activity:Production of cars, equipment and vehicles