The deputy chairman of Civic chamber Altai territory — about sobering-up stations: "To adopt the law a little — it is necessary that did not violate the right"

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Since January 1 into Russian Federation the law which provides revival in the country of sobering-up stations came into force. Regions — and as already reported information portal "" should create these institutions, the regional bill is planned to prepare at the end of 2021. However Vasilii Ivanovich Kuts, the deputy chairman of Civic chamber Altai territory, considers: before acceptance in the region of the law it is necessary to discuss approaches with a wide range of experts comprehensively. Vasilii Ivanovich Kuts told that Civic chamber Altai territory suggested to discuss approaches to the bill on the platform and received a consent in department of the regional...
Vasilii Ivanovich Kuts
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Lyamzin Dimitri
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