Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" discussed with experts plans Federal Agency for Fishery on the second stage of investment quotas

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At East economic forum discussion about mechanisms of investment quotas took place and the results of the quotas entered 5 years ago on a catch of fish — "Investkvota 2.0 were summed up: way to intensive development". From Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia" Vladimir Sitnov, the senior vice-president Public joint-stock company "Sberbank Russia". Moderated a meeting — Krutikov Aleksey, LLC "ANTEY ADMINISTRATION OFFICE AKTIVAMI". In discussion also participated: Anatoly Bobrakov, the deputy minister Russian Federation on development the Far East and Arctic; Ilya Shestakov, head Federal Agency for Fishery; Aleksey Lvovich Rakhmanov...