The football player scarified because of absence on a stripe t-shirt "Glory to Ukraine"

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The forward of "Minaya" Eugenie Aleksandrovich Seleznev came to a match of the championship Ukraine against Donetsk "Miner" (1:1) in a t-shirt without big emblem Ukrainian assotsiatsiya soccer. "Children, understand me correctly. I – not the administrator of team, I do not watch t-shirts. What I a t-shirt was given – such I and put on. I do not do to myself a t-shirt. I and regulations do not know: that it is necessary to fill, and that is not necessary. I was given a t-shirt – I put on it. Only after a match there was this boil. I was told that forgot to fill. Kindergarten any, to me what claims? I cannot understand why the such inflated. Children, I on the country...
Eugenie Aleksandrovich Seleznyov
Last position: The professional athlete on on soccer
Ukrainian assotsiatsiya soccer
Main activity:Culture and sports