Winners of an award in the field of the modern art "Innovation-2021"] became know

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In the House of communication Nizhny Novgorod there took place an award ceremony in the field of the modern art "Innovation-2021". Action was accompanied by audiovisual performance with choreography elements in style kontemporari. About it reports information agency "ITAR-TASS". Nominees were declared by the vocalist Alyona Verin-Galitskaya, imitating a voice robots. Irina and Sedykh Anatoly were marked out by the special prize "For a Contribution to Development Modern Art". To them handed over the medals founded by the decree of the president. Also the prize "For a Contribution to Development Modern Art" was won by the artist Politsky Nicholas, and in the nomination "For support...
Sedykh Anatoly
Politsky Nicholas
Kolovskaya Helena
Culture fund and arts