15 people were lost as a result of pouring rains in the West Venezuela

@IA Sin'hua
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Santa Fe de Bogota, 25 August/Xinhua / According to messages from Caracas, the government Venezuela on Tuesday confirmed information that as a result heavy rains, begun on Monday night, in staff Merida in the west of the country were lost 15 people, six others were missing, the serious material damage is caused to hundred people, in many areas supply by electricity and water, and also providing with communication is broken. The president Venezuela Nicolas Maduro on Tuesday evening held meeting in the residence. He declared introduction of state of emergency in this staff, having declared that the government...
Nicolas Maduro
Last position: President of the Republic Venezuela (President of Bolivarian of the Republic of Venezuela)
Nestor Louie Reverol Torres (Nestor Reverol)
Last position: Minister (Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela)