Scientists predicted possibility of existence 4000 more earlier not known isotopes

@Atomnaja energija 2.0
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In the Nuclear Physics News magazine for the 4th quarter 2020 article of staff of Laboratory of theoretical physics of OIYAI of N. N. Bogolyubov Gurgen Adamyana and Antonenko Nicholas in a co-authorship with Alexis Díaz-Torres (University County of Surrey) and Heinz Sophie (GSI, Darmstadt iuniversitet Giessen) is published. This magazine with frequency four numbers in a year is issued the European committee on cooperation in the field of nuclear physics (NuPECC) and contains the review of the most considerable achievements and key conferences. In article in a popular form the main methods of expansion are described...
Bogolyubov Gurgen
Antonenko Nicholas
Heinz Sophie
Main activity:Science and education
Main activity:Science and education