In Novosibirsk against the ex-governor Vasily Yurchenko submitted claim in the matter of Sibselmash plant "Sibselmash"
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In Novosibirsk Vasily Yurchenko intend to make responsible the ex-governor of the region. Before Vasily Yurchenko directed the Sibselmash enterprise "Sibselmash", it plan to make responsible before creditors. In Arbitration court of Novosibirsk region claim about attraction to subsidiary responsibility of five former heads JSC "Research and production association "Sibselmash" arrived. The former governor of the region directed plant till February, 2004. Claim was submitted by LLC "Universalstroyinvest". About it reports newspaper "Kommersant - Sibir. Novosibirsk". Besides, responsible intend to make and competitive managing directors...