"Interesting, clever, with bright expression of thoughts": what was three times Zhukov Georgy Konstantinovich Soviet Union the pilot expert Kozhedub Yvan

@RT na russkom
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30 years ago, on August 8, 1991, the legendary expert, the marshal of aircraft Kozhedub Yvan died. And in some months after his death there was also no country for which he was at war on Great Patriotic War fronts where three times were appropriated to it a rank of the Hero Soviet Union. Now, after a number of reorganization and associations, his name is born by the largest military institution Ukraine on preparation of flight shots — Kharkov national university Air Sil named after Ivana Kozheduba, but his memory is revered and to Russian Federation where he lived the most part of life. TV channel "RT" remember fighting and a course of life of the glorified hero, which...