A marker of the relation to "heroes" — about threatening with the grenade in Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine

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Incident with attempt of blasting the grenade in Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine in Kiev eloquently shows a situation with veterans of so-called ATO in the country. The head of the Kharkov office of Политическая партия "Za zhittya" Andrey Lesik on air . "This act — a marker that actually occurs, about the attitude towards so-called heroes" — Andrey Lesik declared. "Second moment: really, what respect, honor or privileges? I will put outside brackets that in this case people who took the weapon though war was not declared, went to kill the same Ukrainians. Here and...
Andrey Lesik
Last position: Head of the organization of Kharkiv (Political party "Oppozitsionnaya platforma—Za zhizn")