Aset Orentaevich Isekeshev, Sauat Mukhametbaevich Mynbaev and Vladimir Karpovich Bozhko were added in the list of whom could watch through Pegasus

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Some more known Kazakhstan citizens appeared in the list of persons for whom shadowing through the sensational Pegasus program could be conducted. New surnames appeared on the official site of the Center for research corruptions and organized crime (OCCRP). Earlier the top officials Kazakhstan, and also known activists and journalists were listed. Now to them Joint-stock company "National company "Қazaқstan temіr zholy" (KTZH) Sauat Mukhametbaevich Mynbaev, the Assistant to the President – the secretary Security council of Republic of Kazakhstan Aset Orentaevich Isekeshev and the former vice speaker Majilis of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan Vladimir Karpovich Bozhko were added the ex-chairman of the board. Sauat Mukhametbaevich Mynbaev...