The Novosibirsk artist Artem Aleksandrovich Loskutov became the participant of new release "And to talk? "
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In new release of show "And to talk? " the artist from Novosibirsk Artem Aleksandrovich Loskutov told about how to earn 3 million by police club, about the first monstration and about influence of art on the world. On August 1 on the YouTube-channel "And to talk? " Shikhman Irina left new release with Artem Aleksandrovich Loskutov, the known Novosibirsk artist, "Monstration's" founder, and also the director and the operator of the movie "Oil in exchange for Anything". Artem Aleksandrovich Loskutov told about the picture "Belarus" which he could sell for 3 million rubles. Work is devoted to protests to Belarus and created at helps blows...