In KFU will publish the popular scientific book for children in the Tatar language

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The research associate NILE Bionanotekhnologiya's OpenLab Fakhrullina Gulnur and the undergraduate Institutes psychology and educations Sarbinaz Shaykhullova became owners of a grant of Of the Kazan city City Council . They are winners competitions the projects devoted to studying of the Tatar language and development of the Tatar culture "z a tel" ("My language"). 122 thousand rubles will go to the edition of the popular scientific book "the Nickname? Nig ә? Nig ә the scarlet? " ("Why-asker"). In competition which prize fund made 1 million rubles, school students, students and the young people who have proposed the solutions on development of the Tatar language took part. Five are recognized as winners...