The national team Estonia won gold in tournament of shpazhistka in the Olympic Games-2020 to Tokyo

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The national team Estonia won team tournament of shpazhistka in 2020 Summer Olympics to Tokyo. In the final it overcame team South Korea with the score 36:32. Italians became bronze prize-winners. The national team Russian Federation took the eighth place. Fencing. Olympic Games. Tokyo. Women. Sword. Team tournament 1. Estonia. 2 . South Korea. 3 . Italy... 8 . Russian Federation (Violetta Kolobova, Ayzanat Murtazaeva, Julia Lichagina, Violetta Khrapina). The most important events of the Olympic Games in the "Championship" telegram-channel! Start reading the Olympic Games to Tokyo had to pass from July 24 to August 9, 2020. Because of a competition pandemic...