Pavel Durov reacted to the message on shadowing it with help Pegasus
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The founder of Telegram Pavel Durov commented on news that could watch it with help the espionage Pegasus program. The founder of Telegram knew that his phone was included in the list of potential attacks, at least since 2018. Pavel Durov added that this fact did not disturb him...
Emanuel Zhan-Mishel Frederick Makron (Emmanuel Macron)
Last position: President of the Republic France (President of the Republic of France)
Pawel Durov
Last position: Chief executive officer of Telegram LLC (LLC "TELEGRANI")
Eduar Sharl Philipp
Main activity:Politician
Matamela Cyrille Ramafosa
Last position: President of the Republic of South Africa (President South Africa)
Saad Eddin el Otmani
Main activity:Politician