It is possible to call it a parosmiya: when consequences of Koronavirus at loss of sense of smell pass into the chronicle
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After a pandemic of Koronavirus in March, 2020 one of the first appeared symptoms became loss of sense of smell and taste. At that time the anosmiya yet was not registered as an official sign Koronavirus. Months later people began to catch smells again. However their sense of smell changed since they fell ill. Thomas Jackson from State of California, had Koronavirus, told that a year suffers from a so-called smell of Koronavirus. After recovery there can be a partial distortion of sense of smell "This smell has nothing in common that I ever felt earlier, - Thomas speaks. - If to me...
Thomas E. Dzhekson-mladshy
Last position: Politician (House of Representatives United States of America)
Filpott Carl
Pedzhet James