Caught of concealment of the income the Ingush deputy resigned authority after one and a half years of vessels on the matter

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Magas. June 25. INTERFAX-SOUTH - the Member People's assembly Republic of Ingushetia Belkhoroev Yakhya, caught of concealment of the income in 2019, ahead of schedule resigned deputy authority, reported to information agency "Interfaks" in Regionalny parlament on Friday. "The parliament adopted the resolution on early abdication on a state of health the chairman of committee of People's Assembly on health care and social policy Belkhoroev Yakhya", - the interlocutor of agencies told. According to its data, the corresponding application was submitted earlier by the deputy. The Supreme court the republics during meeting in July of the past year upheld the decision...
Yakub Belkhoroev
Last position: Deputy (People's Assembly of the Republic of Ingushetia)
Belkhoroev Yakhya
Belkhoroev Moustafa
"United Russia"
Political ideology:Centrism, liberal conservatism, etatism
Regionalny parlament
Government Agency
Regionalny Minzdrav
Government Agency