General director ASI Svetlana Chupsheva estimated the best social practicians Chelyabinsk Region

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Author: Smolnikov Leonid Photo: Kargapolov Oleg (newspaper "Vecherny Chelyabinsk") General director Agency strategic initiatives (ASI) (ASI) Svetlana Chupsheva during the visit to South Ural estimated "Evening Chelyabinsk" the best regional practicians on life improvement of quality. Separate projects are worthy scalings in the all-Russian scale and can be placed on digital platform "Smarteka", the regional authorities are sure. Svetlana Chupsheva visited Chelyabinsk on Wednesday, June 23 to examine the best social practicians of South Ural and to discuss participation of the region in the project ASI "National Social Initiative" (NSI)...