KPBS introduced the solution of Nutanix for ETM

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Project Zakazchiki:etm Moscow; Electrical equipment and microelectronics Podryadchiki:krikunov and Partners Business Systems (KPBS, KPBS, Krikunov %26 Partners Business Systems) Product: Nutanix HCI project Date: 2020/12 — 2021/05 Technology: ITSM - Systems of managements IT service contractors - the 199th projects - 1061 systems - the 457th vendors - 228 Technology: Systems of managements productivity of network applications contractors - 41 projects - 74 systems - the 114th vendors - 78 Technology: Data-processing centers - technologies for TsOD contractors - 331 projects - the 810th systems - the 635th vendors - 209 2021: Nutanix HCI 22 introduction...