Since the beginning of vaccination from Koronavirus Saint Petersburg received in total nearly one million doses of a vaccine

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On farmbazu the new party of a vaccine of Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak" (Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak") in number of 64160 sets of doses arrived today. In total to the city 952102 sets of doses of a vaccine, from them 27540 - EpiVakKorona, 17160 - Kovivak, the rest - Vaktsina "Gam-Kovid-Vak" arrived an accruing result. Today the stock of a vaccine of all names in the city makes 150339 sets of doses. In Saint Petersburg 801763 persons are imparted initially in total, from them 669881 completely finished a vaccination cycle. On Monday, June 21, 9070 people, again 5109 are initially imparted. In the city 134 points of vaccination work at base...