Hockey. National Hockey League. Three goals of defenders helped "Vegas" to win against "Montreal" the first match of a semifinal series

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Last night "Vegas" and "Montreal" started a showdown in the Stanley Cup semi-final. While "Vegas" is stronger. Defenders of "gold knights" gathered 6 (3%2B3) points in the first match. Alex Pyetrandzhelo, only of blyulayner of the owners, not got hold in bombardier points, finished game with 7 throws, 3 blocks and 4 interceptions. "Vegas" won the fifth victory in a row and tore off a victorious series of "Montreal" on seven matches. Stanley Cup. semifinal Vegas — Montreal — 4:1 (1:0, 2:1, 1:0) Washers: 1:0 — Sh. Theodor (1) (Maknebb, Stevenson Ch., 9.15). 2:0 — Martines A. (3) (Sh. Theodor, Riley Smith, 22.18)...