Rights of the requirement to the ex-deputy Ashot Yegiazaryan will sell at auctions

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His ex-partner Smagin Vitaly who applied on these money, is declared bankrupt the Moscow arbitration recognized the businessman Smagin Vitaly as the bankrupt and entered concerning it procedure of realization of property for a period of six months, follows from the court decision . For today requirements are imposed to it approximately on 1,3 billion rubles, counted daily business newspaper "Vedomosti". At the expense of what property them it is planned to extinguish, the arbitration managing director Smagin Vitaly Ratnikov Eugenie did not specify. Smagin Vitaly – the co-owner of the developer companies "Tsenturion of groups" which in different years participated in construction the business center...
Smagin Vitaly
Ratnikov Eugenie
Main activity:Mining