"Vegas" reduced lag in a series a playoffs of National Hockey League with "Colorado"

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Twitter Hockey players Hockey club "Vegas Golden Nayts" in the third match of a series of the second round play-off National Hockey League on house ice won a victory over" Hockey club "Kolorado Evelansh"" – 3:2. At winners goals noted Karlsson Vilyam (the 25th minute), Johnathan Marsesso (55) and Max Pasioretti (56), and at guests of washers threw Carl Sederberg (27) and Rantanen Mikko (46). The first two games came to the end with two victories of "Colorado" (7:1, 3:2). Thus, "Vegas" reduced lag in a series – 1-2. The fourth game of opposition will take place on Monday, June 7, and will take place again in Las Vegas...