Why one countries are more corrupted, than others

@Gor'kij Media
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Kholms Lesly. Corruption: very short introduction. M.: Publishing house "Business" THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION ACADEMY NATIONAL ECONOMY AND PUBLIC SERVICE AT PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, ACADEMY AT PRESIDENT THE RUSSIAN FEDERATION, RANEPA, FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "ROSSIYSKAYA ACADEMY NARODNOGO ECONOMY I GOSUDARSTVENNOY SLUZHBY PRI PREZIDENTE ROSSIYSKOY FEDERATSII", 2021. The translation from English Ageeva I. M., Byalko A. A., Levin M. I., under scientific edition Levin M. I.. The contents a culture Role Why in the countries Northwest Europe level corruptions is less, than in the countries Southeast Europe, and the European countries as a whole are corrupted less, than the majority of the countries Latin America and Africa? And in the same to Latin America —...