" PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSETI" Siberia" by 2026 plan to construct new substation in Barnaul for 600 million rub - the authorities

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Barnaul. May 26. INTERFAX - PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSETI SIBIR" (enters PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSETI") it intends to construct new substation in Barnaul, the press service of Administration of the Altai Territory following the results of a meeting of the head of the region Victor Petrovich Tomenko with director general reports companies Pavel Akilin ". In plans of power engineering specialists till 2025 to construct substation "Kovylnaya" in Barnaul. Its design cost - 600 million rubles. Implementation of the project will allow to transfer part of loading from two other substations", - is spoken in the message. As specified to information agency "Interfaks" in the Altai branch" PUBLIC JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "ROSSETI" Siberia", substation will establish in the developing...