In the run-up to Children's Day the joint reception of citizens of prosecutor's offices, committee of inquiry and the Ombudsman for Children] will take plac

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The acting as the prosecutor Arkhangelsk Region Belogurov Sergei, the deputy head Sledstvennogo of managements Investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation of the Arkhangelsk region and Nenets Autonomous District Vladimir Kulakov and Representative at Governor of the Arkhangelsk region by Rights of Child Molchanova Helena on May 27, 2021 provedutsovmestnyypriy citizens concerning protection of the rights of children. Reception will be carried out from 15.00 till 17.00 o'clock in building by SU of SK Russian Federation on area and the Nenets Autonomous Area located at the address: Arkhangelsk, Timm St., 2 k.1. Also citizens can address at the appointed time by phones of "the hot line"...