Finland beat Norway on The World Ice Hockey Championship with a washer

@IA Krasnaja Vesna
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With the score 5:2 Finland beat Norway on May 25 within a group stage The World Ice Hockey Championship with a washer. The match passed in Riga on "Arena Riga". On the 2nd minute of a match the account was opened by Mathis Olimb from Mikael Haga's transfer. On the 15th minute Okhtamaa Atta evened the score, to it assisted Oliver Kaski and Kontiola Petri. On the 22nd minute Anton Lundell brought Finns forward, the goal pass noted Ruotsalaynen Arttu. Kim Nousiaynen on the 26th minute increased a separation in the account from transfer Ayr Sallinen. On the 42nd minute Lindstrem Tobias reduced lag to one washers, it was assisted by Mathias Tretenes and Sondre Olden. Further...